Friday, February 16, 2007


We Like Your Daughters

First, I realize that there hasn't been a new post in almost two years. However, the reasons behind my absence are classified at this time.

Secondly, while the circumstances that forced my daily viewing of Senor Blitzer no longer exist, my exposure to the Wolf is somewhat limited. Therefore, Wolf posts may be few and far between.

Finally, what you have been waiting for. Wolf decided to show the world that he lacked human qualities like embarrassment and all semblance of tact, by asking VP Cheney about his Lesbian daughter. What resulted was a classic Blitzer moment.

Now if Wolf was a normal human TV anchor no doubt his headless, handless corpse would have been floating in the Potomac River within hours of completing this interview. However, Cheney knows that Blitzer is part of a top secret CIA program to create a cyborg TV anchor (which was possibly directed by Cheney!), so he laid off of him for now.

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