Wednesday, January 19, 2005


Blitzer Shout Out

This morning, during the Senate Foreign Relations Committee's confirmation hearing of Condi Rice for Secretary of State, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) read a quote Condi gave while being interviewed by none other than Mr. Weird Animal Name himself. As a fellow Wolf watcher noted "HAPPENING NOW: My ears are burning!"

But then again, I doubt that Blitzer was programmed to feel pride or shame or embarrassment. He needs more RAM for yelling about snow in Hawaii or some other shit about "wild weather."

And by no means was the Blitzer name drop the best part of the Condi hearing; if you missed, Boxer and Condi came pretty close to a full on cat fight, John Kerry made his triumphant return to the Senate and Joe Biden said that Rumsfeld "doesn't know what the hell he is talking about."

I gotta go back to watching, I think Chris Dodd is about to give Barack Obama a big, wet, tongue kiss.

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