Friday, January 21, 2005


Blitzer Stunned

Check out this exchange from Blitzer and Judy Woodruff from yesterday's inauguration:

WOODRUFF: The Ross Volunteer Company, they went by. Right after that, we watched the Broken Arrow High School marching band from my home state of Oklahoma, Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. And I think one of you just pointed out this is an Army caisson platoon.

BLITZER: Judy, all these years we've been working together, now you tell me you're from Oklahoma. Why didn't you -- I always think you were from Georgia.

WOODRUFF: Well, I went to high school in Georgia, Wolf, and I worked there for a few years after college, but I am an Okie.

BLITZER: All right, that's new information we're sharing with our viewers right now.

This is -- did you know that Judy Woodruff was from Oklahoma?

GREENFIELD: No, I just thought she was a Southern belle with that charm and loveliness. But it turns out that -- not from Muskogee, though, right, Judy?

WOODRUFF: That's right.

GREENFIELD: Not an Okie from Muskogee.

WOODRUFF: From Tulsa, the city that was the oil capital of the world before it wasn't.


BLITZER: We're bringing new information all the time to our viewers. Judy, we're get right back to you. But we're going to continue to watch what's going on, on Pennsylvania Avenue outside the White House. We'll take a quick break. More of our special coverage of the inauguration when we come back.

Wolf basically came out and said "Does not compute!" when faced with the information about Judy's home state. He also seems to think its important enough to "share with our viewers."

But really, doesn't Wolf's response seem a bit too weird? If I were Judy Woodruff, I would watch my back around Wolf from now on, because he might have some designs on wresting control of "Inside Politics" from her. And there is only one way Wolf can do that: cold blooded murder. Judy, my advice to you would be to remember this about Wolf:

It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop, ever, until you are dead.

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