Thursday, January 06, 2005


Not So Fast, My South Korean Friends

According to Reuters, South Korea has built a robot that is able to "think and learn like a human," and that it looks like "a small teenager wearing a blue and grey space suit." It has the ability to "recognize its master, detect and analyze visual and audio signals, and people's movements."

Sorry folks, but you guys are way behind. CNN has built a cyborg that acts and speaks like a television news anchor and looks like a middle aged man with a white beard. It has the ability to speak in an eerily monotone voice that borders on yelling at times as well as appear on CNN at all hours of the day because he never tires due a rechargable nickel-cadmium battery.

While America might be lagging behind the rest of the world in many areas, we can still make a mean cable news cyborg. Take that, Kim Jong Il! (oops, wrong Korea)

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