Friday, February 18, 2005


Wolf Blitzer, Deadbeat Dad?

So a Wolf tipster pointed me in the direction of a interview that Blitzer did with the Boston Phoenix that has some great moments that show how clearly unhuman he is. Check out this exchange:

Q: Tell me about your name.

A: My maternal grandfather’s name was Wolf, and my mother and father named me after him. So it’s my real name; I did not make it up.

Q: Tough name as a kid?

A: There were moments in Buffalo, New York, where the other kids would say, "What’s your real name?" and I’d say, "Wolf," and the bigger kids didn’t like that answer. It wasn’t that tough. Would I recommend a name like that, or a weird name? I’ve been asked this; especially after the first Gulf War, all these pregnant women were writing me, "I love your name. Should I name my son Wolf?" And I consistently said, "I think it’s tough enough growing up with a normal name, let alone with a weird name." Although if you take a look at Barack Obama, he didn’t do too bad with a weird name himself.

Well, he is telling the truth about one thing, he "did not make it up." But c'mon dude, how much longer do I have to keep writing this blog before you own up to the fact that you are cybernetic killing machine? That shit will make you super popular in the red states, man. They are just itching for that kind of shit in the sticks.

Also, I love this, "after the first Gulf War, all these pregnant women were writing me..." What?!? Is Wolf implying he knocked all these women up? Or that he has a lot of emotionally unstable female fans? Maybe Wolf may be a cyborg, but certain parts of him are all man.
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